"Don't be a juicebag"

GGR Pirate Radio

GGR Pirate Radio really exemplifies the "pirate radio" mantra. We talk movies, video games, relationships, comics, TV, sports, music and everything else under the sun. The only format: there is no format. All are welcome to talk about the thinks they “geek out” over as long as you follow the only rule: “don’t be a juicebag.”

Posts tagged movies
Star Trek 101

Mike, Steve, MC and Rambo have another installment of Geek 101, an introductory level conversation about iconic characters and franchises. This time they delve into one of the most iconic television and movie franchises of all time: Star Trek.

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DCEU? More Like DC "PU" Amirite?

Mike, Steve, MC and Rambo talk about the potential of Michael Keaton returning as Batman and having a role in DCEU and the revelation of problems during Joss Whedon's reshoots for Justice League.

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Talking About the MCU

Mike, MC and Rambo discuss the things they loved about Avengers: Infinity War and End Game, plus the things they want to see more of going forward. Plus, they end the episode with a serious conversation about the current protests going on in the US.

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Talkin' Westerns with James Rambo

YEE-HAW! Welcome to the dagburn first podcast of 2020! Mike and special guest James Rambo talk about Westerns! They break down why the genre is so important, how it has influenced Japanese films and how they in turn have influenced westerns. The duo also discuss their favorite movies of the genre. Give it a listen, unless yer yella!

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The Geek Sheets Podcast - 2019 Superlatives

Mike, Steve, MC and guest Ulysses E. Campbell talk about Steve’s “2019 Superlatives” from his Geek Sheets article. The crew talk about some of the geeky/nerdy highlights on 2019 when it comes to movies and television.

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Best Movies of the 70s Part 2

Mike, Steve, TK and Ulie continue their conversation about the best movies of the 70s.

Recorded August 2nd, 2019 via Skype.

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Best Movies of the 70s Part 1

For the month of August, we’re talking movies! The GGR Pirate Radio crew started with the 70s. Join Mike, Steve, TK and special guest Ulysses E. Campbell of Fantastic Forum as they discuss their favorite movies from the disco era.

Recorded Friday August 2nd, 2019 via Skype.

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Getting to Know Doctor Doom

Mike, Rambo and Ulie discuss one of the most formidable villains in the Marvel Universe: Victor Von Doom, or by his nefarious A.K.A.: Doctor Doom. They discuss the likely inclusion of Doom in the upcoming new phase of the MCU and what makes him such a great villain.

Recorded Saturday, June 29th, 2019 via Skype

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The Diner - The Movies of 1989

Mike, Steve, MC and Ulie discuss the incredible line up of movies that came out in 1989 “at the Diner.” With the 30th anniversary of the release of arguably the biggest comic book inspired summer blockbuster, Tim Burton’s Batman, the crew discuss it’s impact and compare Batman and Superman as characters and what they represent.

Recorded June 21st, 2019 via Skype.

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Geek Sheets - GOT, Arrow and Avengers

Mike, Steve, MC and special guest Ulysses E. Campbell discuss the month’s geeky/nerdy news. Topics include: the Game of Thrones prequels, the impact on tourism the show has had, Mike catching up on “The Arrow,” the two Avengers games coming out in 2020, and Avengers: Endgame adding some post-credit scenes and their push for the #1 box office record.

Recorded June 21st, 2019 via Skype.

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Disney World, Galaxy's Edge oh...and WIL WHEATON!!!

Mike tells Steve and MC about his trip to Walt Disney World, his unexpected meeting of Wil Wheaton (nicest dude ever, btw) and what’s coming up for the new Galaxy’s Edge Star Wars themed land in Disney World and Disneyland. The trio then discuss Avengers: Endgame, it’s continued success at the box office and some of the deleted scenes.

Recorded May 24th, 2019 via Skype.

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Meet the "Gorls"

Mike, Steve and MC are joined by their newest podcasters, Tricia aka “TK” and Jasmine aka “Janelle Hart: The Mouth of the South.” Get to know the ladies that you’ll be hearing more from soon on the Great Geek Refuge.

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Geek Sheets - Captain Marvel Special!

In honor of Captain Marvel’s epic opening, this month’s Geek Sheets podcast is all about the photon-blasting Kree warrior! Mike, MC and special guest Emily Whitten discuss the massive box office numbers of the movie, Brie Larson’s special visit on opening weekend and some of the twists and turns the movie took.

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Captain Marvel Commentary and Discussion

Mike, Steve, MC Brooks and special guest Ulysses E. Campbell discuss Marvel's latest release, Captain Marvel. They discuss the fervor and anger surrounding the movie, a growing trend with many recently released films. The episode is completely spoiler-free!

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The Diner - Sponsored by Limp Brisket

Mike, Steve and Rambo continue their discussion “at the Diner” about small changes to movies they would make if given the opportunity. They also discuss differences between original versions, books, deleted scenes and a goldmine of an idea for Fred Durst to start a BBQ franchise.

Recorded March 1st, 2019 via Skype.

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