"Don't be a juicebag"

GGR Pirate Radio

GGR Pirate Radio really exemplifies the "pirate radio" mantra. We talk movies, video games, relationships, comics, TV, sports, music and everything else under the sun. The only format: there is no format. All are welcome to talk about the thinks they “geek out” over as long as you follow the only rule: “don’t be a juicebag.”

Posts in podcast
Stranger Things Season 4 Pt 2 Discussion

And now, part 2 of our Stranger Things Season 4 discussion! Mike and Mariah are joined by "At The Diner" co-host and GGR editor James Rambo this time around. The trio discuss their feelings on the season but also delve into their own biggest fears and so much more! Give it a listen!

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Talkin' Westerns with James Rambo

YEE-HAW! Welcome to the dagburn first podcast of 2020! Mike and special guest James Rambo talk about Westerns! They break down why the genre is so important, how it has influenced Japanese films and how they in turn have influenced westerns. The duo also discuss their favorite movies of the genre. Give it a listen, unless yer yella!

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The Geek Sheets Podcast - 2019 Superlatives

Mike, Steve, MC and guest Ulysses E. Campbell talk about Steve’s “2019 Superlatives” from his Geek Sheets article. The crew talk about some of the geeky/nerdy highlights on 2019 when it comes to movies and television.

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What We Are Thankful For

Mike, Steve and MC discuss what they are thankful for: in their personal lives, when it comes to GGR and in the geeky/nerdy world.

Recorded December 6th, 2019 via Skype.

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The Diner - "Not deadening the emotional pain, just the physical!"

Mike, Steve and MC are “at the Diner” and discuss a little bit of everything as their conversation goes from beer, drinking, being adventurous with food, colds, the military, getting old and more.

Recorded Friday December 8th, 2019 via Skype.

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Tribute to "The Hill Hippie" Deven Morgan

Mike dedicates a portion of the show to his friend Deven Morgan, AKA the Hill Hippie. Deven passed away in a traffic accident and Mike wanted to devote some time to a kind, caring friend who is gone before his time. May he rest in peace. Listen to Mike's tribute and a clip of Deven's time on GGR Pirate Radio.

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Fantasy NFL GM

Mike, Steve and MC play Fantasy NFL GM. How would they improve the dumpster fire that is Washington football and the surprisingly unimpressive Pittsburgh squad?

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From New Kids to NL Champs

Mike, MC, Ulie and special guest Paul Craft discuss the incredible growth of the Nationals from Montréal castoff to 2019 National League Champions. With the recent success of the Caps, Mystics and Nats have the D.C. sports teams rewritten their narrative as chokers? The 4 discuss all the implications including giving their true feeling on Bryce Harper and whether there’s any truth to his signing with Philly being the catalyst for this historic run.

It’s an extended episode! Enjoy Nats and DC Sports fans!

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Disney-prepping and Personal Takeaways

Mike and Steve discuss Mike’s upcoming Disney World vacation, in particular his first trip to Galaxy’s Edge, the Star Wars Land in Hollywood Studios. They also discuss things that they have learned from each other in the time they’ve been doing GGR.

Recorded October 4th, 2019 via Skype.

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The Diner - Interviews and Jobs
College Scandals and Comedy Controversy

Mike and MC discuss Felicity Huffman’s jail time for her involvement in a college admissions bribery scandal. Is anyone really shocked that a rich, white person bought their child a spot in a prestigious college? The two also discuss the issues with the college system currently in place. They also talk about comedians like Dave Chappelle who claim to be “censored” or “cancelled” yet continue to make millions. They discuss Chappelle’s recent special and the biggest insult it created: it wasn’t funny.

Recorded September 13th, 2019 via Skype.

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RIP Eddie Money, Friday the 13th, The BBC & Washington FB Sucks

Mike and MC are running the podcast this evening! They discuss some recent news such as the passing of rock star Eddie Money, the meaning of Friday the 13th and some talk about numerology. They also discuss Bang Bros offering $10 million for the naming rights to the Miami Heat’s arena and the awful disgrace that is Washington NFL football.

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Mt. Bustmore and More Listener Questions

MC Brooks came up with the idea of Mt. Bustmore: the biggest busts in drafts, free agency, ownership, management, etc for our respective teams and some infamous busts such as Jamarcus Russell. Not really a bust, but they also discuss Vince Young and his $5,000 a week Cheesecake Factory tab. They also answer questions from Jeremy K. Lee and Yolanda Harvey about the Spider-Man Marvel/Sony spat and the glut of 80s and 90s movie remakes.

Recorded Friday Sept 6th, 2019 via Skype

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Listener Questions - Football Mt. Rushmore

Mike, Steve, and MC answer some listener questions. First one was courtesy of Dave Thomas, a fellow podcaster. He asked “What is your Washington football Mt. Rushmore?” Mike and MC cover their DC football pantheon plus Steve gives his take on his best Steelers of all time.

Recorded Friday September 7th, 2019 via Skype

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WTF Did We Just Watch??? The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot

Special Bonus Episode!

Did you see the trailers and ads for The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot and say “hey, this looks outlandish and possibly amazing” like Mike did? Well…if you’re still thinking you might want to see this movie then don’t listen to this podcast. Mike and MC saw it and rip into the film, recounting the plot to Steve and Ulysses. Special guest, Ulysses E. Campbell of Fantastic Forum also takes the time to give a respectful tribute to the recent passing of Valerie Harper. Give it a listen!

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Geek Sheets - D23 News Part 2
Geek Sheets - D23 News Part 1

Mike, Steve, MC and special guest Ulysses E. Campbell of Fantastic Forum discuss some of the big news out of D23. They focus on the Disney Plus announcement and the teaser trailer for Jon Favreau’s “The Mandalorian” series.

Records August 30th, 2019 via Skype.

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Bonus Episode - Chicken Sandwiches, Corporations, and Scumbags

A special mid-week podcast! Mike, MC, Steve and Rambo talk about the Chick Fil A/Popeyes twitter battle, the morality of chicken sandwiches, and navigating through a world where nothing is pure and untainted any longer.

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The MCU & Sony Spider-Break Up

Mike, Steve, MC and Rambo discuss the Spider-Man news of the MCU and Sony being unable to reach a deal to continue their relationship. Who’s to blame? Can it be fixed? What kind of stories could we see going forward if the relationship is fractured?

Recorded Friday August 23rd via Skype.

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