"Don't be a juicebag"

GGR Pirate Radio

GGR Pirate Radio really exemplifies the "pirate radio" mantra. We talk movies, video games, relationships, comics, TV, sports, music and everything else under the sun. The only format: there is no format. All are welcome to talk about the thinks they “geek out” over as long as you follow the only rule: “don’t be a juicebag.”

Posts tagged Major League
What We're Watching: Quarantine Edition

Mike, Steve, MC and Rambo discuss what they are watching, reading or playing currently as the quarantine stretches on.

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The Diner - The Movies of 1989

Mike, Steve, MC and Ulie discuss the incredible line up of movies that came out in 1989 “at the Diner.” With the 30th anniversary of the release of arguably the biggest comic book inspired summer blockbuster, Tim Burton’s Batman, the crew discuss it’s impact and compare Batman and Superman as characters and what they represent.

Recorded June 21st, 2019 via Skype.

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