"Don't be a juicebag"

GGR Pirate Radio

GGR Pirate Radio really exemplifies the "pirate radio" mantra. We talk movies, video games, relationships, comics, TV, sports, music and everything else under the sun. The only format: there is no format. All are welcome to talk about the thinks they “geek out” over as long as you follow the only rule: “don’t be a juicebag.”

Posts tagged At The Diner
Cold Open - Oct 8th 2020: Tribute to Eddie Van Halen

Mike, Steve, MC and Rambo kick the week’s podcasts off with a cold opening. They discuss Jon Hamm’s abilities, some Fantastic Four fan-casting, our new subscribers on Patreon and teasing the episodes for this week. They also pay tribute to Eddie Van Halen after his recent passing.

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At The Diner - "Tuna & Chocolate Chip on White"

Mike, Steve, MC and Rambo have a fun, unplanned conversation. It's a grab-bag of topics so prepare yourself as the crew talks food they can't stand, professions that they prefer has a cocky, self-sure representative, and so much more.

Do you want access to this episode early, too? Make sure you sign up for our Patreon as well and you’ll get to listen to this early as well!

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Cold Opening - October 1st 2020

This cold open features Mike telling the crew about his upcoming “Christmas Carol” radio drama, discusses his Karate Kid binge and he, MC, Steve and Rambo discuss the movies and the Cobra Kai series. They also talk about the joy they get from sharing things with their friends.

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At The Diner - "The Bronze Medal"

A conversation starter courtesy of Steve, the crew discuss what the 3rd place thing is when the top 2 are clear. For example, when it comes to space-based Science Fiction franchises, Star Wars and Star Trek are 1 and 2...but what's 3? Mike, Steve, MC, and Rambo discuss.

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The Geek Sheets (At The Diner) - Catching Up: Mandalorian S2, WandaVision & Flashpoint

The GGR Pirate Radio crew returns from their break with an episode of the Geek Sheets. MC runs this week's Geek Sheets as he, Mike, Rambo, and Steve discuss The Mandalorian S2, the trailer for WandaVision, and new possibilities for the Flashpoint movie.

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Bonus Episode! What We're Watching September 2020

This was a Patreon early-access episode for our patrons. You can join, too! 5 bucks a month gets you early access to episodes just like this one! Join today!

Mike, Rambo and MC discuss what they’re watching right now when it comes to movies and TV

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At The Diner - DC Fandome: Can James Gunn Make Us Care?

Mike, Steve, MC and Rambo discuss the DC Fandome reveals of the James Gunn directed “Suicide Squad 2.” Only Rambo had seen the first one all the way through, can Gunn’s unique take and skillful direction turn this franchise around?

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At The Diner - DC Fandome: Wonder Woman 1984 Convo

Part 2 of our DC Fandome conversation. Mike, MC, Rambo and guest Raven Smith discuss the Wonder Woman 1984 trailer, some of the details about the villains, and where they think the story may go. They also discuss the tendency for people to not understand Batman or how the character works.

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At The Diner - WAP: Wild Awesome Playlists

Mike, Steve, and MC discover when they did their Fantasy Band Draft and hear Rambo's picks. Plus, they set up the framework for 2 awesome playlists. Check our Facebook page for the Spotify playlists and feel free to add songs!

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At The Diner - Playlists & Teenage Crushes

Mike, Steve, MC & Rambo preview their playlist creation in the next episode but also talk teenage celebrity crushes, the awesome albums of 1997, and Rambo tells a funny cooking mishap story.

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At The Diner - A Lackluster HJ: A Star Wars Story

Part 2 of our Star Wars Sequel Trilogy conversation.

Mike, Steve and Rambo go more in-depth with changes they would have made to the sequel trilogy to make it more enjoyable/watchable and discuss some of the more ridiculous things said by fans who were disappointed with the films.

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At The Diner - "Serious Space Sh-t" A Star Wars Story

A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far Far Away…

Mike, Steve and Rambo discuss the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy in detail. What did they like, what did they dislike, what complaints did fans have that were valid, and what was ridiculous? They cover it all in this discussion. Make sure you tune in to part 2 of this Star Wars special, too!

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