"Don't be a juicebag"

GGR Pirate Radio

GGR Pirate Radio really exemplifies the "pirate radio" mantra. We talk movies, video games, relationships, comics, TV, sports, music and everything else under the sun. The only format: there is no format. All are welcome to talk about the thinks they “geek out” over as long as you follow the only rule: “don’t be a juicebag.”

Posts tagged racism
Abhorrent But Not Surprising Part 2 and F**k Nick Cannon

Mike and Rambo get to hear MC’s thoughts on the Washington Post’s article about the toxic culture of the Washington football franchise. They also delve into Nick Cannon’s anti-Jewish remarks and his lack of accountability.

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Tribute to Batman...and a Therapy Session

Mike, MC and Rambo discuss the 31st anniversary of Tim Burton’s Batman. The trio also discuss the toxicity of fandom and how it has become the easiest way for people to get a reaction on social media and delve into the reactions to Kobe Bryant’s death. Trigger warning: this episode does contain discussion of sexual assault.

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Best Movies of the 80s Part 2

Mike, Rambo and special guest Emily Whitten return for part 2 of the best movies of the 80s! But first, Mike discusses with Emily the reception her comic “The Underfoot: The Mighty Deep” has received as she took it to various comic cons across the country this summer. Then, the trio discuss more of their favorite 80s movies. They also delve into some of the topics that were appropriate then but not so now.

Recorded August 16th, 2019 via Skype.

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The Diner - WTF Boston??

Mike, Steve, and MC have a “Diner” conversation about the reputation of the sports fans of Boston. The also delve into racism in sports both from players and fans alike.

Recorded June 14th, 2019 via Skype.

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"The Civil War" Discussion

Mike recently watched the PBS documentary "The Civil War: A Film by Ken Burns" on Netflix. He, Steve and MC discuss the documentary and the conversations it still inspires in today's world.

Recorded May 24th, 2019 via Skype.

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Episode About Nothing

Anyone familiar with Seinfeld knows that a “show about nothing” is actually about something. This episode, Mike and MC talk about “nothing,” starting with male entitlement, how to be an ally, feminism, Dave Chapelle, music and more. Give it a listen!

Recorded Friday April 19th, 2019 via Skype.

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The Diner - WTF Virginia, Mountain Lions & No Such Thing As Heroes

Mike, Steve, MC and special guest C Gats are back “at the Diner” talking about topical stories in the news. Topics include: Virginia’s political mess, No one out crazies Florida, a man fights a mountain lion with his bare hands, movie news, and celebrities and their indiscretions.

Recorded February 9th, 2019 via Skype.

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