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Movies and TV

Movies and TV; if it's on the silver screen or the screen at home, we'll be discussing it here.

What To Watch: Song of the Sea *Spoiler Free*


by Chelsea House, GGR contributor

Song of the Sea is a beautiful and moving Irish tale about a young mute girl named Saoirse (Lucy O’Connell) and her older brother Ben (David Rawle). Saoirse and her brother’s relationship is frought with Ben’s resentment towards his her for being responsible for their mother’s “disappearance”. When his little sister finds out she is the last selkie and becomes ill, Ben is forced to help her find her voice and break the curse on all of the fairies so they can return to their home Tir na Nog.


This story, directed by Tomm Moore (The Secret of the Kells) is heavily laced with Irish lore. It centers around Ben, his sister, and his father, Conor (Brendan Gleeson). The story does deal with grief and loss, as this is pretty much the cause of the whole plot of Song of the Sea. However, I feel like the story plays more on forgiveness and the relationship between siblings.  The movie can be taken at face value, but there are also rich metaphors strewn throughout that parallel Ben as he deals with his pain and resentment. Metaphors which make this film not just enjoyable for children, but for the adults as well. Any age group can take away something for sure.


I simply love the look and feel of Tom Moore’s movies. The mix of hand drawn characters and CGI backgrounds create a smooth and vibrant affect that keeps you captivated as you watch. I love how it’s not overly complicated or detailed which allows you to focus on the plot more than the animation. It just works. The music is also incredibly beautiful. I guess with a title Song of the Sea, you better put extra emphasis on the “song” part. I give them a nod of approval on that.

All in all this film is great for a family movie night. I love watching films that stimulate conversation with my kids afterwards and Song of the Sea is one of those! There’s a lot that can be discussed. Give this wonderfully rated film (99% Rotten Tomatoes, 8.1/IMDb) a watch with your kiddos, just make sure to have some tissues nearby.

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