"Don't be a juicebag"

Movies and TV

Movies and TV; if it's on the silver screen or the screen at home, we'll be discussing it here.

What to Watch: Spenser Confidential


by Dani Rogue, GGR Alum

Where to watch: Netflix
C+; fun fight flick
Disclaimer: views of the author are not necessarily shared with GGR admins. The author happens to think Mark Wahlberg is funny. And the review is spoiler free!

Look, Cs get degrees. There’s a time and place for everything. Sometimes you just want to watch some fighting and not have to think too hard; this flick is for those times. It’s perfectly paired with sweats, messy hair, snacks, and a brain-numbing substance of your choice, if that’s your thing.

Let’s get the negatives out of the way, because they’re definitely there and I don’t want them looming over the review. Some of these are probably related to the source material (which I haven’t read but intend to now). Some of them might just be “me” problems.

  • Plot holes you could holes you could drive a car through.

  • No surprises, unless you don’t watch the trailer. Even then ... just know that the trailer tells you most of what you need to know, but has also been edited to be slightly misleading.

  • If I listed all the tropes present I would need a bibliography and abstract for this review.

  • Some of the best actors are grossly underutilized.

like him…more on that later

like him…more on that later

  • Yet another gritty Southie underdog story with bad cops (this is in the trailer, so I don’t consider it a spoiler) and oozing toxic masculinity. Definitely doesn’t pass the Bechdel test.

  • Shameless setup for sequels.

Now the fun parts:

  • This movie is 80% Mark Wahlberg running his mouth, getting the crap kicked out of him for running his mouth, or shirtless. Something for everyone.

Marky Mark, furrowed brow, Boston accent. Wicked awesome.

Marky Mark, furrowed brow, Boston accent. Wicked awesome.

  • Winston Duke is the most underutilized gem, but the scenes he’s present for are fantastic. I could probably watch another 30 minutes of run time with just him and Marky Mark antagonizing each other.

  • The comedic timing is great. Just in general, almost all around. I laughed often and loud, which was a nice change of pace.

  • Somehow (some) characters are sympathetic, despite there being literally no character building or significant backstory presented.

  • Iliza Schlesinger plays a great crazy ex with just the right doses. She hits the scene, chews it up, she’s gone. If you like parts of her standup but she grates on your nerves after 5 minutes, you’ll be fine.

  • I’m not sure it’s possible to be confused about what’s happening or who the players are at any point. Still somehow it’s a little satisfying watching it all play out as expected. It neither makes you feel dumb nor requires you to pay ridiculously close attention. It’s kind of like watching a Jeopardy kids’ tournament.

  • Lots. Of. Fighting. and doggos!

  • Southie is featured heavily but not in a bad way; nothing denigrates the area and with a couple of exceptions the accents don’t beat you over the head. There are even parts shot to feature its beauty though it was clearly cold. It’s not a love letter to South Boston, but the makers clearly appreciate it.

  • The movie has a diverse bunch of actors and characters featured without also subjecting those characters to racism for existing. There are just white people and people of color ... existing. Which obviously is how it should be, but so rarely done that it feels refreshing.

  • Doggos!



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