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Movies and TV

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What to Watch - Jupiter's Legacy


by Chelsea House, GGR correspondent

**Warning: There are mild spoilers ahead**

Jupiter’s Legacy is a show based off the comic series published by Image Comics, written by Mark Millar, drawn by Frank Quitely, and lettered and colored by Peter Doherty. It is about six main superheroes, their children, and how the world is ever changing.

Much like The Umbrella Academy, and many other more modern and less mainstream comics, I had no previous knowledge of this series, which made the viewing experience that much more exciting. I have researched that there are quite a few deterrence’s from the original storyline, so those who are familiar may still be able to enjoy some new plots and ideas. Instead of writing a full length review, I will list my main take aways and thoughts about it. 


The plot follows our six main heroes; Utopian / Sheldon Sampson (Josh Duhamel), Brainwave / Walter Sampson (Ben Daniels), Lady Liberty / Grace Sampson (Leslie Bibb), The Flare / Fitz Small (Mike Wade), Skyfox / George Hutchence (Matt Lanter), and Blue Bolt / Richard Conrad (David Julian Hirsch), who have formed the group called “The Union”. You see present day struggles as well as frequent flashes to the past which explain how these six were able to get their powers. The plot also focus’s on the hero’s children and the push against the code which they set so long ago, which I’ll get into in a moment.

The plotline did a great job of juggling the two different storylines. I didn’t feel as confused as with The Witcher. It was incredibly clear when past and present occurred on scenes. It also gave a rather slow burn to open up what the second season, if it gets one, will be exploring, which I also appreciated. As far as I know in the comics, the main things explored in the show were not as explained, and so I really enjoyed the development and getting to know the main six. 

*Mild Spoilers from this point on*


“The Code”

The Code is what the main six have followed since they were given the powers back in the 20’s, which you can only imagine how strainge it would be, bringing ideals from the 20’s to modern day. One of the biggest issues is that “The Code” states that the heroes who are part of “The Union” cannot kill. It’s considered the easy way out, and therefore makes them no better than those they fight. This is all well and good, however, the villains have become much less concerned with the code and have begun killing young supes, taking more extreme measure, etc. Shocking, I know. So there is now this massive tension between the originals and their offspring about whether they should kill the villains or not, even if it’s to save a life.

Not many shows do a great job in balancing opposing ideals. There’s almost always a bias somewhere in the lining. Jupiter’s Legacy, however, does it incredibly well. There’s an earnest pulse behind each view and an equally earnest pulse in being heard. It’s like there’s a glass wall between the sides and all they can see are lips moving. This creates some beautifully scripted scenes where you literally wince at the dialogue.  


Character Development

I am HUGE on character development. I really want to see a person grow from whatever they’re working through. I think that’s true in the real world as well. There is nothing worse than seeing someone go through an absolute life changing event and come out completely the same. With that being said, I want to try to also be easy on the first season of this show because I think I see where they were going. It almost felt like the whole first season was an epilogue of sorts, maybe just a massive introductory. You can see little glimmers here or there of a softening, hardening, eyes opening, ears listening, but it often gets overshadowed by the almost horizontal growth pattern of each character. The only exception is Grace, who seems to be the one trying the hardest to be a bridge. I will wait for the second season before I judge too harshly, but for this season, I felt it was underwhelming. Also, I found Chloe’s character to be just… over dramatized. Like it was almost comical to watch even when it wasn’t supposed to be. Cue typical teenage girl flipping her hair and saying “whatever dad” as she struts away to her next party. I reallllyyy hope they do something better with her character in the future.


The Creativity

Okay, okay. There’s been a million comic books written and released. Super heroes being birthed chemically, biologically, mentally, emotionally, whatever your cup of tea. So I completely understand that the possibility of being redundant is vast.  Although, they do a nice job of retelling, Jupiter’s Legacy is cliché in many ways. The origin story had me way more captivated than the current. Without giving too many details away, most of the original feel and plot movement just seemed to happen way more in the past. The current story just seemed slightly predictable, but still decent. I did appreciate the costumes! 


Even with the flaws, (like the really corny flying scenes. You’d really think Hollywood would have gotten this right by now.) this show had me binging it. I’m definitely looking forward to a second season to see what things they dig a little more at as well as to see exactly where the story goes. There are characters that have great potential with growth and development, and some that I could see becoming future villains. So all in all, I would recommend you give it a watch! With only 8 episodes, it’s an easy day binge! 

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