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Comics and Books

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MC Brooks at Baltimore ComicCon 2018


It’s been about 2 years since the last time I attended a convention in Baltimore. I’ve been to the city a number of times but there’s something about attending a con that seems to enhance the time you spend in a city that you’re not from. Whether it’s trying out the food at a restaurant you don’t normally have access to or just watching the confusion on the faces of the locals who are unsure of why a black Superman is walking around in August, conventions are always their own specific and unique experience. This was my first year attending Baltimore Comic Con and I was honestly unsure of what my expectations should have been heading into this event.

 The first and most recent convention I’d attended in the Baltimore Convention Center was Otakon so that was my only real reference point. Comparing the two conventions would only lead to disappointment as they are about as different as conventions could be within the nerd community.

 Baltimore Comic Con is a much smaller con than I anticipated but, like with concerts, I find smaller cons to be more intimate and equally as enjoyable as the larger events. The 3 day event had me equally as intrigued with the great panels and great list of celebrities which included: Mike Colter (Luke Cage), Zachary Levi (Shazam!), Katrina Law (Arrow, The Oath) among others. And, I got to meet Steve Conley, who we had on the GGR Pirate Radio Podcast!

 As a black nerd, I always seek to find some representation at these events. It’s important that the voices of the underrepresented are just as part of the conversation as others. This isn’t always the case when it comes to these nerd conventions but fortunately BCC did not fail me in this area. There were great panels that included topics on African-American, Hispanic and LGBTQ representation, #MeToo  and also featured members of these groups as panelists and moderators. I can only hope that this trend continues at other conventions both large and small.

 Overall, I had a great time at this convention and will absolutely recommend it to anyone who is interested in comics on any level. Even for it to be a small convention, there is no shortage of things to do. Between the panels, the artist alley, and the laundry list of dope vendors, it’s very easy to spend a couple hours here without even noticing it.

Here are my pictures from Baltimore Comic Con 2018! Click on the images to see the full gallery.

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