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What to Read: Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug


by Chelsea House, GGR contributor

I’m not going to lie, when I saw this book in my daughter’s book catalog, I MAY have died inside a little thinking how devastated this little tiny T. Rex must but because he could not give hugs! I pictured him wandering around the Jurassic (I think, right?) period just looking for a hug and my Momma heart couldn’t bear it. I had to know what happened in this absolutely adorably illustrated book. 

This little book is about Tiny T.Rex wanting to uplift the moods of his sad stegosaurus friend, Pointy, and he wants to do so with a hug. The only problem? He has tiny arms and can’t do it! So he searches far and wide to find an answer of how to become a good hugger. He asks his father, his mom, his aunt, and his brother and sister and finally comes to the conclusion that practice makes perfect! After practicing for a little while we’re led to a heart warming conclusion of the book that MIGHT have made me tear up a bit. It’s. So. Freaking. Cute! 

This little book is totally about selflessness, as this little T.Rex is set out to do one thing and one thing alone; cheer up his bud! He doesn’t care the cost, he just wants to do it. It’s also a great story about perseverance as he doesn’t give up the first time he gets an answer he’s not so fond of. More importantly, the book is about friendship. In a world where selfies are king and everyone feels like they have to keep up with the Joneses, this little dino reminds us that it’s really the simple things in life that make not only others feel fulfilled, but us as well! And it’s all through a hug. 

This little Rex gets a 10/10 from me and I highly encourage you to spend the money, especially if it’s through school book catalogues, and read this book to your little ones. Or just read it for yourself. A lot of GGR’s readers are parents, so I’m definitely not judging. We’ll keep it between us.

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