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How to Make a Super Superman Game


by Andy Bartsch, GGR Contributor

For those wondering if I’m okay after the events of the “Deadpool Trailer Review” article (which can be read here!) I want everyone to know I’m back at home, safe and sound (and on several pain killers).  I was found in a dumpster behind a fast food place in Martin’s Ferry, Ohio with seven remaining fingers and only three broken limbs. This is gonna be a real pain to type.

I wish this was real...but this is a pipe dream for now.

I wish this was real...but this is a pipe dream for now.

In my Batman: Arkham Knight review (which can be read here), I suggested that now that Rocksteady Studios has completed their Batman: Arkham trilogy, they should move on to making a Superman game.  Unfortunately, Superman has a rough history in video games.  Immediately, Superman 64 comes to mind, but not only has he had several flops, there have been a few solid attempts to get a decent game made.  Footage of cutscenes for a Superman The Animated Series game for the PS1 can be found on YouTube.  There are also character designs and early gameplay test footage for a game that was supposed to be made for the Xbox 360 and PS3.  Recently, a screenshot surfaced on the internet that stirred rumors of a Superman or new Justice League game in the works.  

Is this screenshot real? I don't know but that comic sans font is pretty suspect.

Is this screenshot real? I don't know but that comic sans font is pretty suspect.

    Despite what history suggests, making a good Superman game isn’t impossible.  There have been some pretty good attempts, such as Superman:Man of Steel for the Xbox and Superman: Shadow of Apokolips for PS2 and GameCube.  You can even give some credit to the Superman Returns game if you’re feeling generous.  

    “But, Andy, what does it take to make a good Superman game?  It’s impossible!  And your new scars make you look so handsome!” Shut up, baby! I know it!   It’s list time!  Let me make a few suggestions to Rocksteady (because they are the only one’s who can do it!) on how to make a sweet Superman game!



   Does anyone remember Superman for NES?  I do, unfortunately.  Guess what you did for most of the game?  Play as a lime green Clark Kent!  Guess which levels were the worst in Shadow of Apokolips?  Stealth missions as Clark Kent!  No one wants to play as Clark Kent!  Sure, make a Clark Kent skin as a gag, but unless there’s a level where you’re flashing back to when Clark discovers his powers as a teenager (perhaps to explain how the controls work at the beginning of the game?) I don’t want to play as a human!  I’ll play the Sims if I want to play a game about being normal!

2. Completely Open World    

    Your avatar is a man who can run and fly at incredible speeds in a large Metropolis. Make the world as big and open as possible!  Think GTA V with superpowers.  Also, the area should be as destructible and interactive as possible.  There’s nothing worse than playing a game where you move so fast, you can create a sonic boom, but running into a damn trashcan can stop you in your tracks.  SMASH THAT TRASHCAN! 

And for the love of Krypton, no rings!!!

And for the love of Krypton, no rings!!!

3. Interesting Enemies

    In just about every Superman game, who does he fight?  Friggin’ ROBOTS!  Why?  “Er, well, if Superman punches someone, their face will turn into jelly!  And oh no, I wet myself!” Quiet, fool!  Superman punches people all the time!  Ever wonder why their heads don’t explode on impact?  He pulls his punches!  He’s had years to learn to control his powers, including his strength.  So give him someone to fight other than color coded robots (I’m looking at you, Superman: Man of Steel for the Xbox).  

    What about bosses?  Who are the villains going to be? Granted, Superman doesn’t have the as interesting a Rogues Gallery as Batman or Spider-man, but he has some pretty tough foes. Besides the obvious Lex Luthor and Zod, there’s Brainiac, Darkseid, Doomsday and Cyborg; All of whom pose a pretty serious threat.  Then there’s also the “muscle” villains who Supes can take on in the meantime like Metallo, Atomic Skull, LiveWire, Parasite, Conduit, and of course, Bizarro.  Can you imagine what you could do with a character like Bizarro?  He wouldn’t even have to be a serious threat, he could be a comedic menace in the game, giving the player a break from the mayhem in Metropolis.  

    And of course what about our old buddy Mr. Mxyzptlk? Well, my idea is we go the Alan Moore route.  It turns out Mxy is the main villain in the story, and he shows how powerful he really is when he’s not pretending to be a tiny guy in a funny hat.  

4. First Person Option

    If there’s any superhero who needs a first person camera in a video game, it’s Superman.  Don’t lie, who hasn’t wished they could fly around like the big blue boyscout? Granted, combat might be tougher to pull off in first person mode, but that’s why it’s option.  On the other hand, it’d be a great accomplishment for those who want more of a challenge.  

"Great Scott! A fire! This looks like a job for-- Hey, is that Burger World? This looks like a job for lunch!

"Great Scott! A fire! This looks like a job for-- Hey, is that Burger World? This looks like a job for lunch!

5. The Powers

Just imagine Superman using his different vision powers just like how Batman uses Detective Mode in the Arkham games.  In fact, most of the gameplay mechanics wouldn’t really have to change at all.  Adjust the controls for flying, give the avatar more strength, resilience and up the challenge a bit more.  Then again, what do I know about game design?
Of course Superman would have his heat vision and freeze breath, but the entire gameplay shouldn’t rely on those two powers alone like many of his previous games have. And What about Superman’s invulnerability?  What kind of challenge would an almost invincible being have?  Well keep in mind, Superman is vulnerable to magic so perhaps there could be some magic based enemies later as the game progresses.  Or maybe he battles Intergang, who are equipped with Apokolips-based weapons.   

6. Extras

SKINS!  You all know I love me some alternate costumes!  Superman in his early costume with the laced boots and giant yellow badge shaped S-shield.  Mullet Superman.  The hilarious Electro Superman.  Red Son Superman.  Black and Silver suit.  Max Fleischer Superman.  New 52, Injustice, Justice Lords, Man of Steel, the list goes on!  Downloadable side stories featuring Steel and Supergirl (all with different skins!  The Shaq Steel skin is free, despite Steel being a guilty pleasure of mine).  Hell, if you REALLY want to play as Clark Kent, make a damn good DLC where you go on assignment as a reporter or something.  

I really think Rocksteady could knock this out of the park.  They’re the only ones who can do it.  There are many gamers who say making a good Superman game is impossible, but listen to what I say, Rocksteady.  It can be a great game, Rocksteady, it wishes to be.  It only lacks the light to show the way.  Because of this, I wrote this article.




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