"Don't be a juicebag"


We love music here at GGR and love to get geeky about it as well!

Dani's Alt Rock Playlist


     30-something. It's a funny in-between kind of age. I'm too old for Hot Topic* but too young to be able to accept that many of my favorite songs are starting to be played on classic rock stations.

*except for those killer shirt sales.

Most of these bands are horrible, but a sale is a sale. 

Most of these bands are horrible, but a sale is a sale. 

     I don't have credentials as an industry insider. I'm just a lover of all music. I've been accused of being a walking Wikipedia page but I just know what I like, and have a pretty good memory for useless facts. I'm going to tell you a secret: I think most new music is crap. Like pure, unadulterated BS. Not saying there isn't a place for it: I rock out to terrible pop music on a fairly regular basis. I happen to enjoy music that makes me think, or has good melodies. I think it's special when you hear a band with a sound that's so natural, and so different, that you can't believe it's new and not ripped off (see: the Neighbourhood, even if you are sick of "Sweater Weather"). If you are like minded, or just looking for something a little different, I want to try and start giving recommendation lists. This time, it's a ten-song playlist for fans of alternative in general. Next time, if you have requests I can prepare recommendations for fans of particular sounds, in just about any genre except ATL hip-hop because it annoys the hell out of me.

"WHAT? No...seriously, I can't hear you because I'm wearing headphones so I'll assume it was something positive. YEAH YEAH!"

"WHAT? No...seriously, I can't hear you because I'm wearing headphones so I'll assume it was something positive. YEAH YEAH!"

Playlist 1: Monday Part Deux (where is my coffee?!)

Gaslight Anthem - "Get Hurt"

The Neighbourhood - "Afraid"

Vacationer - "the Wild Life"

The Griswolds - "Beware the Dog"

X Ambassadors - "Jungle"

Arctic Monkeys - "Do I Wanna Know?"

Kings of Leon - "Temple"

Vampire Weekend - " Diane Young"

Portugal. The Man. - "Creep in a T-Shirt"

Milky Chance - "Stolen Dance"

Let us know what you think. If you're an alternative fan, you can make a spotify playlist of at least most of these songs to check them out. What did you like/hate?