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The Mandalorian: Season 2 Episode 2 Review


by Chelsea House, Senior GGR contributor

So, last time on The Mandalorian, our hero united two enemies for a like cause, saved them from a gross bile spewing dragon, and managed to regain a fallen comrade’s armor. Not even halfway through the season and we’re looking pretty productive thus far! Time for Mando to head back to the Mos Eisley and hopefully get some more leads.

On his way back, he runs into a trip wire trap which explodes his hover bike and catches him pretty off guard. He rather clumsily fights off the bandits until one holds a knife to Baby Yoda’s neck. Mando being the soft hearted adopted father that he is, offers this little punk whatever he wants in exchange for the safety of Baby Yoda. The bandit asks for his jet pack, and then regrets it when Mando teaches him a lesson of respect with his arm controls.

Our hero now gets his steps in by walking all the way back to Peli Motto, who happens to be playing cards in a bar. Her friend says that he may have some info on another Mandalorian, or at least knows of a contact who will know where one is. This takes us back to the ship where Mando now gets the wonderful task of escorting a desperate mother…. Frog (?) to a moon orbiting the planet Trask where she needs her husband (who says he has seen Mandalorians there) to fertilize her eggs. Sexy… But for real, she is carrying a container that literally holds her eggs, the very last of her line. There’s also a catch. She needs them to not go into hyperspace because that will kill her little pearls of joy instantly.

Mando agrees, although not happily, and they set off towards Trask. Frog Lady (Voiced by Dee Bradley Baker and physically played by Misty Rosas) turns into all of our mothers while we’re learning to drive. She’s super nervous and a little extra with each bump and spin but also super adorable and seems like she’d make great cookies. If frogs are into those things. Also, Baby Yoda really likes Frog Caviar.

I don’t speak Frog, but I swear she said “don’t you think you’re driving a little fast for this sector?” And of course, like any bratty kid, lil Okra would polish off that whole race of frog eggs if left unsupervised.

I don’t speak Frog, but I swear she said “don’t you think you’re driving a little fast for this sector?” And of course, like any bratty kid, lil Okra would polish off that whole race of frog eggs if left unsupervised.

The Razor Crest is pulled over by two X-Wings piloted by Trapper Wolf (Dave Filoni) and Captain Carson Teva (Paul Sun-Hyung Lee). Apparently there’s an arrest warrant out for our hero because well… he helped break a criminal out of prison (nice call back to season 1). Apparently, that is frowned upon. When Mando resists arrest, he ends up crashing the Razor Crest into an ice planet/moon/something. Tensions get a little high, as they almost always do in these situations, and Frog Lady reiterates to Mando that she needs them to not give up on this mission. She wants to know that he will keep his promise! As Mando is patching holes in the Razor Crest, she decides to take off and go soak in a hot springs. All she’s missing is her wine and chocolate. Again… If frogs are into that.

Mando and Baby Yo go searching for her and find her in this large cavern. While Mando chats with Frog Lady, Baby Yo decides he’s still hungry and sees a bunch of eggs. He cracks one open and eats the yummy contents. This is where the luxurious spa caverns of ice planet turns into the biggest Nopesburg of Nopeplanet ever. We find out quickly that the eggs are baby Krykna (ice spiders), and the parents are not very pleased that one was eaten. Fair enough.

“That was (counts hundreds of eggs)…PHIL! YOU ATE PHIL! I DON’T CARE HOW CUTE YOUR MERCHANDISE IS!”

“That was (counts hundreds of eggs)…PHIL! YOU ATE PHIL! I DON’T CARE HOW CUTE YOUR MERCHANDISE IS!”

These gross arachnids chase our little crew all the way back to the Razor Crest and I’m suddenly having PTSD from every video game escort mission ever. They narrowly escape into the ship and manage to cut off the spiders by closing the cock pit (because remember, he literally crashed it and there’s a gaping hole in the bottom.) Also, Frog Lady knows how to shoot! Just when things are starting to look really grim, our X-Wing pilot “friends” save the day! But are they really friends? There’s a tense stand-off and they let Mando know that yes he is technically wanted, but he also left the other mercenaries in the prison and tried to save a fellow New Republic officer, so that made things good. But not good enough for them to help with the ship.

Frog Lady and Mando repair the Razor Crest as best as they can, just enough to get it going, and then launch into space in search of the nearest repair shop to get them all patched up. We all take a sigh of relief that all is well for our little crew and get to see Baby Yoda enjoy one more egg as the episode comes to a close, because genocide in the name of a snacky snack is adorable! Tussles Baby Yoda’s hair You little rascal, you!

I really want to know more about Frog Lady. Like what is she? Why did her species have to find a planet that accepted them? How did she know how to shoot well? I’m just thinking there’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye. I also haven’t formed any theories thus far, although I’m always open to hearing them. We’ll just have to wait until the next episode!

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