5 Franchise Crossovers That Would Rock!
I got to talk to Mike W Lunsford, our fearless leader/editor-in-chief and I was asking him, "Hey, Mike...what can I write on GGR that would be totally awesome?" You know what he said to me? "Dude, I'm busy, quit bothering me. I got AwesomeCon and Free Comic Book Day coming up. Go write about...Rambo vs Predator or something." He was blowing me off, and I was bothered by this for like 2 seconds until I realized what he did. He knows I LOVE crossovers, team-ups, cross brand promotions, etc. It's the reason why I was so excited when Steve Rogers started doing the March Marvel vs DC Madness. No strings, no restrains, write whatever crazy crossovers you want. DONE AND DONE! Let's light this fire!
5. Iron Man vs Batman
Since Robert Downey Jr. put himself in that red and yellow tin can, I've been telling anyone who would listen that Iron Man is the Marvel equivalent to Batman. Think about it for a second:
They're both rich
They both don't have traditional super powers
They misappropriate their companies funds to be vigilantes
They're both fond of the ladies
They both ended up fighting their mentors to the death in their signature movies (Batman Begins and Iron Man)
They both have butlers who take care of them (albeit J.A.R.V.I.S. in his current adaptation is a digital assistant, but it's the same principle)
The next movie they are set to appear in has them fighting an unstoppable behemoth (Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Iron Man dons the Hulk-buster armor in Age of Ultron)
A crossover is inevitable. Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises would compete in the business world if they existed in the same universe. All it takes is some technology from one of these companies that was weaponized (say that water vaporizing microwave emitter from Batman Begins) and you have your reason for these two to square off.
The Microwave Emitter vaporizes the water supply in part of New York City before Iron Man is able to stop it. He investigates the weapon and finds the Wayne Enterprises stamp of approval on it and travels to Gotham City to investigate the R&D Department. His Mark MMXLVIII suit is able to hack into the security system and grant him entrance. This alerts a certain Majority Stock Holder known as Bruce Wayne who bolts for R&D to protect his "spelunking equipment."
As Iron Man enters the department, he see Lucius Fox tinkering on a Tumbler and starts asking him questions about that microwave emitter. Before he can ask anything further questions, the lights go out and Tony Stark is thrown across the room by a shadowy figure.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!?" a gruff voice asks Iron Man.
"Trying to figure out why your weapon was destroying my town's water supply!" Star responds as he repulsor blasts the Dark Knight off of him.
"MY WEAPON? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Batman asks confused.
"C'mon, Bruce. Everyone knows you're Batman. No one else has the financial means to have all this cool gadgetry and ninja skills. You lived abroad and studied martial arts, that's public knowledge!" The two exchange blows until Batman slaps Iron Man's suit with an EMP device that shuts down the exo-suit completely. Batman is ready to incapacitate Iron Man when his chest arc reactor kicks back on and restarts his suit. He shows Batman the holo-image of the microwave emitter and the two slow their roll...and TEAM UP to solve this mystery!
They could even have an awesome team up name! Like IRON BAT! Or BAT-MAN....wait...that one is taken...IRON BAT! Think about the possibilities. The two start exchanging tech; Batman gets repulsor lifts into his boots giving him the ability of flight, and some armor to his costume. Tony Stark gets some much needed close quarters combat training from the Dark Knight, he upgrades Iron Man's armor with "detective mode" enhancements so he can track his enemies. SO EXCITING!
The two would be going up against the Marvel/DC crossover villain team up of the Penguin and The Mandarin. A terrorist organization working with an arms dealer makes perfect sense. Every terrorist salivates over attacking New York City. The Iron Bat team uncovers their plan and saves New York City. The Iron Bat becomes an honorary Avenger. Iron Man does not get invited to the Justice League...Tony Stark had a fling with Wonder Woman a few years ago and it's just been awkward ever since.
End result: who wins in a fight? Batman. Whose womanizing ways gets him in trouble? Iron Man. Who would appreciate this team up? Everyone. Watching Batman punch a terrorist in the face with his new Stark/Wayne sponsored batsuit would be worth the price of admission
I'm thinking something like this
4. Sprinting zombies from 28 Days Later vs Humanity in the future vs the Terminators
Wait...what? Why would this ever happen? What has the world done to deserve this fate? Two names for you: Justin Bieber and anyone named Kardashian. It's all their damned fault! Skynet becomes self-aware and starts nuking targets. Judgement Day. The computer system knew it was the only way to rid the planet of the Bieber-Kardashian threat. Humanity starts to rebuild, they fight the machines and under the leadership of John Connor, they start to turn the tide.
Meanwhile, in jolly ol' England... a secret installation holding the rage virus was compromised and releases the deadly toxin. England is overrun with sprinting zombies who manage to board planes and make their way to America after England is sucked dry. This zombie attack has the resistance forces caught off guard and SkyNet has no response either. Their terminators are being overrun by these "infected humans" and the aerial assaults are ineffective as the infected seem to keep coming. SkyNet tries to shut down all incoming flights and boats coming towards America but they are overwhelmed. Not only that, the virus has mutated and found a way to effect the terminators processors. SkyNet becomes desperate. They eventually ask to speak to John Connor to offer a truce...
How did an organic virus infect a computer system? SHUT UP, that's how!
Connor and the resistance team up with SkyNet and get their hands on advanced weaponry to combat the zombies. Their human instincts and ability to easily discern what is a human and what's a zombie makes them invaluable to the terminators who can't differentiate. We're just meatbags to them! The humans lead the terminators into battle against the zombies and are able to stop the flood of infected. SkyNet finally sees the error of its ways in wanting to eradicate humanity.
Now, this one has a much more touchy-feely lesson than I had intended. I started writing this one as just a cool shoot-em up premise and then something magical happened. We see that humanity and technology can live in harmony. The end to this apocalyptic scenario and a world where humanity finds it's next evolution doesn't involve defeating technology, it's working WITH it. When we work together with the terminators, we can accomplish anything, even mowing down sprinting rage zombies. High five on an uplifting ending!!!
See? Robots and humans together!
3. Aliens vs The Guardians of Galaxy
I'm not a huge Guardians fan, and honestly neither is anyone else. They've gotten HUGE in the past year with their amazing debut movie and they seem to be popping up everywhere lately. With them living in space and fighting all sorts of nasty critters, this just seems like a logical choice.
The premise should seem familar: a planet that has been colonized by good, law abiding citizens doing some "mining" has lost contact with Weyland Yutani headquarters. This time, Weyland Yutani can't keep this in house as a distress signal is sent by one of the miners/citizens of YG7721 or whatever that planet was called (I easily could have looked this planet's name up...but I don't wanna). The closest ship that could possibly help is the Milano, so the Guardians of the Galaxy gear up for action!
Now, it wouldn't be a Guardians story without some sort of external conflict other than the obvious Aliens vs Guardians match up. The team arrives on the planet and sees what they're up against. Rocket Raccoon nearly loses his mind with excitement as he and Groot mow down xenomorphs. The Guardians are hopelessly outnumbered and make their way through the mining facility. They find the remnants of the miners affixed to the walls and witness several of them give "birth" to new xenomorphs. Star Lord mentions that this whole scenario reminds him of a movie he saw when he was a kid. The team gets closer to the core of the station where the queen has set up shop. They try to turn around and get out as quickly as possible, but they are cut off by a group of Colonial Marines.
On first instinct, they think the Marines are here to help, but are taken captive. Carter Burke emerges and shows that he has bought off this squad of Marines to help secure the facility and protect his "biological samples." Quill convinces his team to just go with it, he remembers why this is all so familiar, that everything will work out in the end. The Guardians all surrender without a fight.
Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot are taken to the Xenomorph Queen. Burke plans to impregnate them with facehuggers to create new xenomorph strains. The more variety he has, the better the "biological weapon" he'll be able to develop. Quill continues to calm his team as he knows they can easily take out the Marines, but to wait for "the sign." Suddenly, a drop ship blows a hole through the wall piloted by the mechanical man, Bishop. Ellen Ripley in her Power Lifter drops down with Newt and Hicks carrying pulse rifles.
"There she is, Sigorney Weaver, right on time! Now wait for it..."Quill exclaims. Ripley stomps towards the Queen in her exo-suit and says
"Get away from them you b****!"
Star Lord smiles and nods at Gamora and Drax. With the corrupted Marines distracted momentarily, the Guardians master assassins take out several of the Marines. They throw one of the discarded pulse rifles to Rocket and he, Hicks, and Newt proceed to rain hellfire on the alien facehugger eggs. The eggs explode as the Queen screams angrily. Groot uses his appendages and ability to increase his size to tag-team the Queen with Ripley. Groot creates a wooden shell to ensnare the Queen and Rocket straps a missile to it's underside and shoots it into space. They are looking at each other ready to celebrate a job well done when they see Star Lord pummeling Burke.
"You're not even funny! You're just a poor man's Jerry Seinfeld!" Quill yells as he punches Burke repeatedly. The rest of the team pulls him off of the "Mad About You" star. They leave Burke on the planet as they make their escape. Burke starts to violently cough and a chest-burster comes out of his body and starts doing bad observational humor.
"Don't you hate lines at the bank??? Ha-cha-cha-cha-cha."
Upon exit of the planet's atmosphere, Hicks hits a button and they drop a 40 megaton nuke on the planet. "Just to be sure," he says as the mushroom cloud grows from the facility. Peter Quill invites Ripley, Newt, Bishop and Hicks to join the Guardians and they are now an even more formidable team.
In typical Aliens movie fashion, there's some thing at the end to leave you frightened of the xenomorphs. We see the Queen collide with a spacecraft and her wooden coffin shatters. The Queen grips the hull and begins crawling towards an airlock. Across the hull of the ship we can clearly read the name Serenity .
TRIPLE crossover???????? OMG! Watch out Nathan Fillion!!!!
2. Power Rangers vs Voltron
Yes, they're both good guys. Yes, they both are a team in colorful spandex wearing helmets than can get individual robots to then subsequently form a bigger robot that takes on a humanoid form to fight giant monsters.
Let's face facts here: Power Rangers is a live action rip off of Voltron except the kids can do some karate and such. I would think the Lion Force Voltron is not happy about this. Now, if you know anything about Voltron, you know that the most famous interpretation is one who defends the far end of the universe, so his area of responsibility is supposedly far from Earth. One of their members, Pidge, is from Earth and by accident, he sees this team of teenage chumps dressed like the Lion Force and has a "megazord" that looks a lot like Voltron. "This agression will not stand, MAN!" (Pidge also is a big fan of The Big Lebowski) he says to his teammates and they make their way to Earth.
The Lion Force lands on the moon and challenges the Power Rangers to a duel. They know full well that if it's a fist fight, those Power Rangers are ninjas or something. This won't work so they gotta challenge them in their robot form, where Voltron rules big time. Little did they know, Rita Repulsa's base of operations is on the moon and she sends Goldar to combat the Lion Force. This ends badly as the individual lions rip Goldar to shreds. Rita, infuriated, grows to enormous size to fight the lions. The team joins together and forms Voltron and picks her up by her stupid hair and throws her into the sun. The Power Rangers are angered that the Lion Force was able to dispatch their greatest enemy so easily and Zordon teleports the team and the Megazord to the moon.
The two giant robots duke it out with neither showing dominance. The Rangers draw the Megazord's Power Sword to turn the tide. Voltron is able to block the sword attacks with it's arms and kicks the Megazord off the moon into space. This gives Voltron time to withdraw the Blazing Sword and fly towards the Megazord. The two giant robots fight ferociously until Voltron gains the upper hand and knocks the Megazord into Earth. The giant robot lands in the Pacific Ocean near Japan. Thinking this is it's chance to finish off it's rival, Voltron follows towards Earth.
Voltron lands near Tokyo, waiting for the battered Megazord to get to it's feet and finish the fight. The two robots cross swords in the Pacific to the delighted screams of the Japanese onlookers. Neither of the giant robots notices a swelling mass coming out of the water. Godzilla emerges from the ocean, being awoken by the impact of the Megazord. He screams ferociously. The Power Rangers and Voltron agree that they'll have to "see who's the greatest later, right now, we have to team up!"
For some reason that equates to "because I think it would be totally rad," the robots of distinctly different origin form up into the Super MegaVoltronZord, with double sword action! ($59.95 at KB Toys this Christmas). They prepare themselves for battle.
Godzilla attacks MegaZordVoltron Prime viciously. The two gargantuans fight in the ocean to protect Tokyo from destruction. The Japanese citizens want to run in horror but are captivated as the two largest symbols of their culture duke it out near their country.
Godzilla and Peanut-Butter-and-Jellytron Zord fight to a stalemate. The VoltronZord Supreme stabs Godzilla through the chest with the Blazing Sword. Godzilla wraps his arms around the robot abomination and melts his protective casing with his nuclear fire breath, killing the Go Lion Team and the Power Rangers. The two sink to the bottom of the ocean. The Japanese people lose their minds, both in excitement over the awesome spectacle and sadness that two of their icons destroyed each other. A few minutes pass and Godzilla emerges from the ocean, regenerating himself with his nuclear DNA. He screams ferociously and the Japanese people rejoice. As Godzilla marches into the deep part of the ocean to return to his slumber, Tommy the Green Ranger shows up with his DragonZord.
"Sorry I'm late, I've been trying to have a UFC career and I was at the gym. Did I miss everything?"
Godzilla, annoyed by those who can't be on time (the Japanese culture finds this very offensive) slices the DragonZord in half with his giant tail and eats Tommy.
So...Voltron > The Power Rangers, Power Rangers + Voltron is stupid awesome, but Godzilla is the greatest of all.
"I'm the G.O.A.T.!!!!"
1. Star Trek vs Star Wars
Every geek worth their salt has a theory about this match-up. There are countless articles, fan fiction, youtube videos, and podcasts devoted to this subject. I want my chance, too!
Now...I'm going to state this right up front. There are people who read the "technical manuals" for Star Trek and Star Wars. They will most likely state that a Star Destroyer has more theoretical shielding and firepower than the Enterprise and that it's not even a contest. The problem with this is these technical manuals are "proof" that a fictional ship has more firepower than the other. This doesn't factor in that Federation technology is based in this galaxy and not one far, far way where there could be so many variables that make weaponry more powerful...or whatever. Short and to the point: this is a story. Star Wars is supposed to be "a long time ago" and Star Trek is in the future, ergo their technology and weaponry "should" be superior. But, they've never encountered spacecraft armed like Star Destroyers or seen anything like the Death Star. Which is why this is going to be so much fun!
We have seen the Enterprise and her crew travel through time on countless occasions. The original cast was gangsters, pretended to be Nazis, saved whales and took them to the future. The Next Generation crew met Mark Twain and then, their biggest achievement, saved the past from a Borg invasion. This would be the easiest way to have these franchises collide. Just so we can clarify, the crew that would make for the best interaction would be the Next Generation crew, specifically the one aboard the Enterprise E. For the Star Trek/Star Wars Mash-up we're essentially combining Star Trek: First Contact and Return of the Jedi. So here........we.................go.
Captain Picard and crew engage a Borg cube after Commander Worf requests support. The Defiant sustains some damage but continues to fight. The two Federation ships do significant damage to the cube. In the midst of the battle, the ships come across a space/time anomaly that propels them into the past and to a distant point in the universe...a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away to be exact.
When the Enterprise and Defiant comes out of the vortex, they are not able to locate the Borg cube. After several moments to calibrate their sensors, they've determined they are in a distant galaxy near a planet called Tatooine but are unable to find the Borg. The crew starts to formulate how they can find the Borg cube.
Across the galaxy...
A Lambda class shuttle escorted by several TIE fighters approach the Emperor's second attempt at a super weapon. Once the shuttle lands with-in the Death Star, Darth Vader emerges ready to berate the Imperial commander in charge of construction. Suddenly, proximity alarms sound and stormtroopers are scrambling to battle stations. Lord Vader demands an update and is shown an image of the approaching ship; it is a giant cube that is broadcasting a message:
Geometry vs geometry!
"We are the Borg. Lower your shield and surrender your station. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
The crew of the Death Star, in typical conceited Imperial fashion, does not take the threat seriously. Their space station is protected from any bombardment by the shield generated on the forest moon of Endor. A wing of TIE fighters is sent to attack the cube as almost an after thought. The cube obliterates the fighters in a matter of seconds. Darth Vader's Star Destroyer attacks the cube but it's turbolasers are ineffective. The Death Star crew is still not worried; the shield is still up and active. The Borg cube begins firing at the surface, directly where the shield generator is located, destroying it in a matter of seconds. The Death Star aims it's super laser at the Borg cube, obliterating it instantaneously. The crewmen celebrate their "victory" but Darth Vader feels a disturbance in the Force. He alerts all on board and all nearby Star Destroyers that there are intruders and prepare to be boarded.
Meanwhile, back in orbit outside of Tatooine...
I'm proud of my photoshop skills. Self taught and everything!
2 ships come rocketing out of it's atmosphere; a small one man fighter ship, and a heavily modified light freighter. The Enterprise intercepts their transmission:
Freighter: ....Luke, thanks for coming after me, I owe YOU one.
Fighter: Han, are you picking up this ship in high orbit? I can't get a make on it.
Freighter: It doesn't look Imperial.
The Enterprise makes contact with the two ships and advises them of their situation. Distrustful of Imperial involvement, Luke senses they are telling the truth and he is able to have a telepathic conversation with Councilor Troy. With the help of Commander Data and Princess Leia, the Rebels and the crew of the Enterprise are able to determine that the Borg would be drawn to the under-construction Death Star and it's advanced-for-their-galaxy weaponry and massive amounts of troops. They inform the Rebel Fleet and advise them to rendezvous with them outside of outside of Endor. Luke's X-Wing and the Millennium Falcon lands in the shuttle bay of the Enterprise. After the encounter with the Borg, the Defiant is still working on repairs but it able to make warp as the two Starfleet vessels race for Endor.
ya know...hyperdrives or warp engines...I'm not sure which would be faster...whatevs.
The Death Star's construction is nearly complete now that the Borg has begun pouring their resources into it. Darth Vader has been able to fight off any attempts by the Borg to assimilate or attack him. His use of the Force and his lightsaber has kept him as the only one left on the station not assimilated. He is in his chambers meditating when his view screen activates putting him face to face with the Borg Queen. She offers a truce and wants to meet him in the Emperor's throne room.
Vader enters the throne room, which has been assimilated with Borg regeneration nodes and the throne itself now houses the Borg Queen. She offers him his humanity back: the Borg have the technology to take away his need to be in his walking iron lung. Little did the Borg Queen know but the Emperor has been on the Death Star and arrived as the invasion started. He laughs at the Queen, mocking her attempt to sway Vader and attempts to use his Force Lightning. Before he can, the Borg Queen blinks her eyes and a force field is erected, protecting her from the onslaught. The Emperor laughs and commands Vader to strike down the Queen. Vader looks at the Queen and she tempts him further and says "aren't you tired of being his slave? You would rule by my side, as my King." The slave comment is enough to enrage Vader who turns to his master and strikes him down with his saber as the Borg Queen lowers the force field right as he swings his Jedi weapon. The Emperor, overly confident that Vader would never betray him, was unprepared for the attack and lies on the ground looking up at his former apprentice struggling to breathe. Vader points his saber at his mentor's throat and says,
"You used me. No longer. I will never be a slave again," and finishes him off.
Meanwhile, on board the Enterprise, Luke walks into the Ready Room to join the briefing between Captain Picard and his officers and the heads of the Rebellion. He informs them of the death of the Emperor and Vader's still alive. They all agree that they must strike now and proceed to the aptly named Borg Star.
The Enterprise, with it's superior scanners and sensors, leads the Rebel fleet into battle. The initial attack is a direct assault on the assimilated Death Star until the Enterprise detects an entire fleet of Star Destroyers on the other side of Endor.
"It appears the Imperial fleet was attempting a trap, I'm glad the Enterprise caught this," Admiral Akbar states with a sense of relief. The Enterprise alters course and leads the assault on the Imperial fleet. The Enterprise has the ability to target specific systems about a ship and is able to take down each Star Destroyer it targets. The Mon Calamari capital ships are making quick work of the fleet with the their shields down. The newly retrofitted Millennium Falcon, which now carries it's own phaser banks and a photon torpedo launcher is leading the fighter wings against the TIE fighters. The Rebels have the Empire on the run with a good majority of the Imperial fleet retreating to hyperspace. The Rebel/Federation crew celebrates their victory briefly as the Borg Star comes into view and they are hailed by the space station.
hehe I'm so proud of myself! Granted, with a black background it's not that hard...hopefully I don't have any trickier backgrounds.
The Borg Queen looks at Captain Picard with Darth Vader standing at her side and demands his surrender. Picard, now flanked by Princess Leia both flatly refuse. The Captain feels an invisible hand tighten around his neck as he sees Darth Vader hold out his gloved robotic appendage. The Queen informs them that with the combined might of the Collective and the Dark Side of the Force, resistance is futile and there is another surprise. On cue, The Super Star Destroyer Executor shows up with Borg components and weaponry attached.
This a**hole shows up and is all like "resistance is futile," and sh**. Sorry, I get vulgar when I'm excited.
It engages the fleet. The Queen states that the Death Star was not their only target and that surrender and assimilation is the only option available. Picard smiles and says that the Death Star still has no way of detecting cloaked ships. A massive explosion rocks the space station as the Defiant drops her cloak and hits the Borg Star with a barrage of quantum torpedoes. The Queen breaks off the communication and sends her drones to their battle stations. The Defiant's shields are fully operational after the repairs of R2-D2 and Commander Data. While distracted, Luke Skywalker beams aboard the Borg Star to confront his father, slashing his way through a myriad of assimilated stormtroopers, their ability to adapt useless against a weapon of pure energy.
Luke makes his way to the throne room where he encounters Darth Vader strapped to an operating table. The Borg Queen turns around in her chair and welcomes Luke to the Borg Star. Luke insists that she let his father go. He ignites his saber to prepare to attack the Queen when Vader stands and ignites his saber in defense of the Queen.
Borg Queen: I've given him everything he ever wanted: order to chaos. That is what the Borg brings. Everyone will be at peace, war will no longer exist. Ask him yourself Luke if he wants to leave. Anakin?
Darth Vader removes his helmet. He is able to breathe on his own again with the help of Borg implants. He explains to Luke that this is the answer to galactic peace. The two engage in a heated lightsaber battle that is reminiscent of Return of the Jedi.
like Return of the Jedi but...yeah, space isn't the background. This photoshop will not go on the resume.
The Enterprise and the Rebel fleet engage the assimilated Super Star Destroyer hoping they can get through it's superior shielding and massive size. The Borg have enhanced much of the Executor's weaponry. Picard states that they have to find a way to get through it's defenses and attack the Death Star or this galaxy will be lost. Picard orders the Defiant, the Millennium Falcon and a wing of fighters to attack the Death Star and destroy the station.
Luke tries to convince his father that the Borg are no different than the Emperor, that he is still a pawn, not able to make his own decisions. Vader gets angry and Force throws Luke into a regeneration alcove, giving him the advantage in the fight. He takes Luke's saber from him with the Force and clips it to his belt. The Queen brings two drones over towards Luke and they are about to inject him with nanoprobes. Vader looks at his son and looks at his own broken body. The Queen convinces Anakin that he is the key to peace. He is part man and machine already and that if the Borg can assimilate the midiclorians, he will be the most powerful being in the galaxy. Luke will be their test subject. Vader begins to protest but the Queen states that no one can hope to better themselves unless they can detach from emotion. Vader looks at Luke, looks at the Queen and tosses away Luke's saber and ignites his own. Preparing to stab himself in the chest. The Queen yells at Vader wanting to know what he is doing.
Vader: Making the choice I should have made long ago.
With the momentary distraction, Luke grabs his saber with the Force, ignites it midair and chops the Borg guarding him in half. In one fluid motion he grabs his weapon and decapitates the Queen, and kicks her body down the reactor core of the Borg Star. The Borg on board all die painfully as they are forcefully disconnected from the Collective. Darth Vader, not knowing that his Borg implants would detonate after the Queen was killed is critically injured and is lying on the floor. Luke comes to his father who states that he is finally proud to know that he chose family over power. Luke grabs his father's body and hails the Defiant who beams him aboard.
Vader: "Why do I die even in the alternate realities?"
All available fighters escort the Millennium Falcon to the perimeter of the Borg Star. Commander Data informs the crewmen aboard the Falcon that they can lock their quantum torpedoes onto the main power generator from outside the Borg Star without actually flying into it. Lando Calrissian smiles and fires 3 torpedoes in succession and waits a few moments for them to detonate.
The Executor's guns suddenly go silent and the Federation/Rebel fleet rejoice again as Luke saved them all. All the ships fly away from the Borg Star as it explodes .The Defiant rendezvous with the Enterprise and allow Luke to pay his final respects to his father. He puts him in a torpedo casing and fires him out of the ship, giving him a burial in space. The Enterprise crew watch on during the funeral and turn to each other in awe that they were able to witness a beautiful moment like this. One of the crewmen turns around from their station to speak to the Captain....
THIS MOTHERFU****!!!!!! Again...sorry, excited.
Q: Well, that was fun, now wasn't it Captain?
Captain Picard is enraged that all of this interaction was caused by Q and demands to know why. Q calmly states that he wanted to show Jean-Luc that no matter when it was, or where in the galaxy they are, humanity can work together to defeat any obstacle. He is impressed by humanity and he will return everyone to their own time. Luke asks Q if it's possible to change one small thing to his timeline that someone else ruined before resetting everything. Q agrees.
The whole "Han shot first" debate is not even a thing because HAN IS THE ONLY ONE WHO SHOT. EVER!!!! Damn you George Lucas!!!!
Boy, that was a hoot! I enjoyed the sh** out of writing these! Got any that I missed? Got some that you want to see? Tell us all about it and we'll make it happen!
I'm G.C. Rodriguez and May the Force Live Long and Prosper!
Don't own any of the movies we talked about? Buy 'em here and help GGR out!