"Don't be a juicebag"

GGR Pirate Radio

GGR Pirate Radio really exemplifies the "pirate radio" mantra. We talk movies, video games, relationships, comics, TV, sports, music and everything else under the sun. The only format: there is no format. All are welcome to talk about the thinks they “geek out” over as long as you follow the only rule: “don’t be a juicebag.”

The Great Geek Refuge Presents: A Christmas Carol


The Great Geek Refuge presents, our first radio play-cast: A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, adapted for current times by Mike Lunsford and Benjamin Shapiro.

A Christmas Carol
Great Geek Refuge


In order of appearance: 

Ebenezer Scrooge - Casey Caracciolo

Belle 2.0 - Dorlainedainwen Arvin

Bob Cratchit - Carl Bonebright

Manny Bothans - Matt Erwin

Fred - Mike Burke

Steven Pippette - Russ Brown

Jacob Marley - Ulysses E. Campbell

Ghost of Christmas Past - Haizle Williams

Young Scrooge - Jared Pearce

Fan - Alejandra Knez

Professor Fezziwigg - Matthew Williams

Belle Fezziwigg - Ashley LaRae Lowder 

Ghost of Christmas Present - James Rambo

John Cratchit - Jax Lunsford

Tiny Tim - Lena Shapiro

Sally Cratchit - Dorlainedainwen Arvin

Allyson - Mariah Beachboard

Ghost of Christmas Future - Carl Bonebright

George, the “Soup Man” - Andy Bartsch


Music Adviser - MC Brooks

Sound Engineering - Mike Lunsford

Direction Adviser - Benjamin Shapiro

Direction Adviser - Mariah Beachboard

Cover Art - James Rambo 

Director - Mike Lunsford

Mike would like to thank the entire cast of GGR’s A Christmas Carol for all of their work:

“Throughout this production, there was a need for rewrites and fill-in voices to help performers record their lines. The people playing their roles should obviously be credited, but also many of our performers pulled double duty, sometimes triple duty to make this play come together. I can not thank them enough as they always brought professionalism to a role that wasn’t even theirs. Not only did they all do fantastic jobs as their character, they also did amazing jobs as other characters and working to make rewrites and dialog changes that helped make this play come to life. Again, thank you all for helping make this happen. It truly was an ensemble.”

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